America NATO Bring Shame to the Free World


Why has NATO attacked and mercilessly bombed Yugoslavia leading to a desperate situation in Europe?

Some NATO members have had second thoughts about attacking Yugoslavia. However two members, most specifically the leaders of them, President Bill Clinton and Prime Minister Tony Blair remain resolute to teach President Milosevic a lesson. However what kind of lesson and for what?  They have created a buzzword, ethnic cleansing, and accused President Milosevic of high moral crimes. The lesson to be learnt is the world has the right to walk into your country and tell you how to run it. That is if the world decides you don’t know how to run it correctly yourself. The result is a situation of total confusion in Europe and most specifically the Balkans.

In America, public opinion initially was against attacking Yugoslavia. This presented a problem to Clinton's administration however such problems are easily taken in stride by a president used to bending and shaping public opinion. Remember Clinton's extramarital affair that led to his false testimony under oath. Giving false testimony under oath in America is a very serious crime. Bill Clinton convinced the public, by way of reports and other dialogue released to story hungry media reporters,  that it was ok for him to give false testimony under oath because he was covering up a private matter. Bill realized that if he could change public opinion he could do almost anything he wanted.

Presently public opinion in America not only supports the attack on Yugoslavia but placement of ground troops as well. This turnaround in public opinion is dramatic proof of how powerful the world of audiovisual mass media force is. Shaping public opinion is no longer difficult in today's world. Media provides the conduit, and advanced knowledge in psychology and sociology provides the weapon.  Quite simply, televise a picture of a young innocent who is a member of the side of your choice, make sure the picture or film portrays human suffering,  add emotion evoking dialogue and there you have it.   The world suddenly sees the way you want them to see. 

World globalization means much more than economic cohesiveness. It means economic homogenization giving eventually to social homogenization. What NATO and most specifically the Americans are pulling off in Yugoslavia is another step to deprive others of their individuality and freedom of choice to decide what is best for themselves.  Do not misunderstand, La Chronique d'Angers does not endorse the Yugoslavian government or NATO.  We do however endorse clear thinking and common sense.  When a country is engaged in civil war and outside countries decide to interfere using force justified by propaganda something is wrong.  When a fellow human from the other side of the planet invades you house and tells you your raising you children the wrong way and uses force to put things the "right way", something is wrong.

The question "Why, for what?" still remains. Perhaps a goal exists of creating a world government or some sort of world order that can exert specific influence on the countries of the world but to what end. Some possibilities could be greed for power and money. Given a reasonable understanding of human nature these aforesaid possibilities are quite plausible. The old adage still holds true. Only time will tell.

