Austria: To Be Or Not To Be
Certain countries have expressed opposition to democratic elections in Austria recently. They have accused Austria of electing politicians who align themselves with Nazi era attitude of hate. In fact the newly elected Freedom Party has only aligned themselves with an anti-immigration stance. One cannot help but wonder how anti-immigration attitude has turned into Nazi era hate politics. One cannot help but wonder how Yugoslavia was accused of "ethnic cleansing" when Yugoslavia was merely attending to their domestic affairs.
The world is becoming proficient at meddling in the affairs of others. The world is becoming proficient at controlling the destiny of others. It would seem that certain powerful countries have taken the position that they have a manifest right to control other countries that stray outside of a set of parameters. Parameters defined not by freedom of choice by the citizens of the world but by certain significant powers that dwell in and control the powerful countries. Generally these parameters are aligned with agendas far removed from the public and indeed not representative of what the public would want if informed without bias or informed at all.
One could further wonder why the above mentioned powers are concerned with controlling others. To speculate one may first look at the accusations and subsequent labels attached to the so-called bad guys. Buzzwords such as, xenophobic, ethnic cleansing, hate politics, Nazi, neo-fascist, and so on are readily produced. Citizens in the power countries are led to believe through implication that the accused are potential threats to their safety. Citizens throughout the world have been thoroughly and properly educated to understand and believe that the German Nazi government is synonymous with the opposite of God and anyone or anything remotely associated with such is evil. In most instances Nazi Germany was bad and evil however simply discarding the issue by placing a label associated with negative words deters further thought past the label. You should believe that many citizens have had their beliefs adjusted by careful manipulation of the media. Furthermore, evil is bad and whosoever has the power and resources and perceives the bad then has manifest destiny to eradicate the evil wherever found.
Still remains the question, why fear those that step outside? Could it be that fear exists of unknown futures? It surely is more comfortable to control and know the future but who are the people of the world? Cows to be domesticated and bred to compliance and complacency? A small thing in life, but a good example of control to take away individual liberty and freedom, are seat belt laws. We are led to believe that for the betterment of the whole we must sacrifice certain personal liberties and freedoms. However, where does this trend stop? It has not stopped with seat belts. Indeed a trend called socialism has come to be and is growing exponentially throughout the world. It weans people on social assistance. Peoples very lives are becoming assisted in many aspects. In fact so much so that some of the simplest common sense attributes in life cannot be engaged without some law made to define what one can and cannot do and or think.
In 1948 a convention was established in Europe to define human liberties and freedoms. In 1776 a convention was established in the United States for the same. However, today in the populace of the two identities mentioned liberty and freedom are under constant assault. These liberties and freedoms are under assault because of fear of the unknown and socialism. Each and every citizen represents an unknown and unpredictable source for a change in the future of the whole. The unknown is cause for discomfort and bad for business. Yes, business. The underlying factor for control, business and its synonymous entity, money.
In Austria citizens have perceived that an open door immigration policy has had negative effects on their culture and economy. In the recent election they voiced their concerns and their decision on what to do about it. The world (significant powers) has decided not to like the choice of the Austrian people.
In the United States a liberal immigration policy has existed for some time along with borders so porous one could believe they were an actual invitation to seethe through. As a result of the outside invasion of humanity Americans have seen erosion of personal quality of life in many aspects. Congested cities, pollution of air, noise pollution, lose of tranquility, unprecedented crime, enactment of laws to deal with foreigners violating conventions Americans through moral code did not violate, enactment of laws to deal with abuse of privileges of freedom Americans had hard earned, increased taxation to pay for social services, and indeed a shrinking middle class and an exploding lower class. Americans are told they have less unemployment now than ever in 30 years. It may be true but the quality of jobs and pay level do not reflect a social advancement in American society to a point where it should have been had there been no liberal immigration policies.
America is a giant and bad policies, laws, and politics take some time to show themselves. In Europe, however, these malignancies are more readily obvious. France a country ripe with corruption has been weaned on socialism thereby domesticating its populous to complacency even though significant problems exist because of immigrants. Austria comes from sturdier stock, they have made their statement, they will not allow a mosque to be erected in the center of Vienna.