Fear and Corruption
May 12, 2001
Fear is the instrument by which corruption flourishes. Corrupt individuals generally are without fear. A corrupt act can be committed because of little to no fear of consequences from man or God. Fearful individuals are food for the corrupt. The corrupt fuel the fears of the fearful for exploitation.
Lawyers, politicians, and anyone with financial power over others are in a position to control the destiny of others. When in a society those with the power and position are guided by principles and morality dictated by man made ideals, that society is doomed.
Human history shows the rise and fall of many societies. Societies form because of the need to protect. Many together can protect more effectively than small splintered groups or individuals. Once common goals are met decadence sets in because the common strife to survive is finished but no worthy goal fills its place. In some societies the duration between rise and fall is prolonged somewhat due to that particular societys belief in God. Inevitably, so far, even these societies fall due to moral degeneration resultant from a movement away from God.
When individuals in a society are confronted with a choice that will have consequences affecting others those individuals have a responsibility to community. Community is the social fabric of a society. The social fabric of society is the collective morality and customs of the many. When a particular individual in a moral society makes a choice guided by immorality that individual is not in the mainstream. When society fails to correct but allows and accommodates then that society erodes. When an individual makes a choice not only outside the mainstream of society but a choice that is designed to take advantage of others that individual is corrupted. When that individual goes further by using fear, deception, and lies for advantage then that individual is evil. If a society accommodates or mainstreams, immorality, deception, lies, and advantage for oneself without concern for others then that society is corrupted and evil. Corrupted societies generally end violently.
No matter what society an individual lives in he has a duty to community. On this planet called Earth humans belong to many societies but by the very nature of being human we are also members of a larger society called Humanity. As such we have a duty not only to our individual societies but also Humanity. The distinction between right and wrong of an individuals society may be different than others on the planet however all must align to the most fundamental of Humanity otherwise disharmony, discord, and discontent will be Humanities future.
It is the duty of the people of this planet to establish a clear fundamental definition of immorality and morality for human society. Once established we must not fail to correct immorality and most certainly never accommodate it.
The Editor