Freemasons Obstruct Justice, Subvert the Law
and Manipulate the Media
The story of Masonry in France is well known. "In 1893 the Convention or general meeting declared that none were eligible for the Council of the Orderó which serves as its Executive-unless they had pledged themselves to abstain from all religious rites, themselves and their dependents. And it has been repeatedly asserted, as by Mayoux and others, that no orthodox believer, Catholic, Protestant, or Jew, could be a sincere Freemason in France." They were not content with ruling religion out of their own lives, they strove to penalize those who practiced the Catholic religion. Witness the scandals in the army uncovered early in the present century; the infamous "index slips" of the officers kept by the "Grand Lodge," in which a man's "qualifications" for advancement were listed. Did he go to Mass, or allow his wife and children to go? Did he send his children to a Catholic school, or did he encourage his soldiers to go to church? No matter what his merits as a soldier, if he was guilty of these "crimes' he was kept in the least favorable quarters or dispatched to Central Africa; other officers, favorably listed in the "fiches' (index slips), passed over his head to higher rank, but he could secure no promotion. This conspiracy went on for four years, from 1901 to 1904; over 18,000 officers were denounced by the "Grand Orient"; the evidence for all this has been published with photographed copies of the "charges.'
While not overtly encouraged to participate in criminal activity, Freemasons swear to protect their brother Freemasons should they engage in immoral or criminal conduct. The royal arch mason swears,
" I will aid and assist a companion royal arch mason, when engaged in any difficulty, and espouse his cause, so far as to extricate him from the same, if in my power, whether he be right or wrong... A companion royal arch mason's secrets, given me in charge as such, and I knowing him to be such, shall remain as secure and inviolable, in my breast as in his own, murder and treason not excepted, &c" (pg. 9, The Address of the U.S. Anti-Masonic Convention, 1830).